benefits of booking direct

Here at Minnestay, we’re happy to feature our vacation rentals and properties on third-party reservation sites. We understand that these sites allow people to view a multitude of options and compare prices. However, you could be losing money and missing out on properties that would be perfect for your trip. That’s why we’re telling you all of the benefits of booking direct!

Booking is the first step in planning your trip. Next, start planning what you’ll do in the Twin Cities! Access our complimentary Minneapolis Travel Guide for all the best things to do, restaurants, and more!


Here Are Minnestay’s Benefits of Booking Direct

Save On Your Reservation

Saving money on your reservation is one of the biggest benefits of booking direct. We provide the absolute best rates you’ll find anywhere else on our website. That’s not the only way you’ll save! We don’t include the extra fees that third-party vacation rental sites do. Those fees can add hundreds of dollars to your reservation!

More Properties

Not all of our owners want their properties features on third-party vacation rental sites. That means you’ll find more properties on our website than you will anywhere else. We have more than 60 vacation rentals in and around the Twin Cities. Whether you’re looking for a condo in the middle of the city or a large waterfront home for your family, we’re sure to have something that meets your every want and need.

More Availability

Directly booking through our website allows you to see the full availability of the vacation rental. We often block off dates to ensure our booking engine gets priority. We want to ensure that our guests that do choose to book direct get the vacation rental they want when they want it.

Better Booking Experience

Our website is streamlined to allow you to filter out what properties don’t meet your needs. Choose between options like pet-friendly, game room, waterfront, neighborhood, and more! It’s the easiest way to zone in on the perfect vacation rental for your trip.

Book Direct Now!

WOODHAVEN RETREATIf you are planning a trip to the Twin Cities, Minnestay is sure to have a vacation rental for you. We also offer deals for corporate/long-term rentals, so you’re sure to save when you reach out directly to us. We love welcoming people to the Mini Apple and providing a comfortable, safe, and convenient rental that enhances their stay. Providing the best customer service in the area and offering amazing guest services is what we pride ourselves on. Experience personalized recommendations and a guest access portal that allows you to view maps, request any concierge services, and so much more!

Browse our properties and start planning your getaway to Minneapolis today!